Trent Barton Keyworth Bus Service

Added by Rebecca Hague at 11:03 on 24 November 2023

Residents and business owners have been unhappy about the unreliability of the Trent Barton Keyworth bus service for a number of months. Last week a meeting was held in Keyworth with representatives from Trent Barton, Keyworth Parish Council, Plumtree Parish Council, Tollerton Parish Council and the...

New Village Defibrillator

Added by Rebecca Hague at 14:13 on 23 November 2023

The Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to Richard Fielding for purchasing and installing a new village defibrillator outside The Griffin. The defibrillator has been provided for the benefit and use of the whole community. In the event of an emergency dial 999, the call handler will ask...

Road Closure Notice - Keyworth - 10th December

Added by Rebecca Hague at 10:22 on 23 November 2023

Please see details on the link below about road closures in Keyworth on the 10th December. /file/news/Roadworks-Bulletin-Keyworth-Turkey-Trot-Half-Marathon.pdf