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Plumtree Parish Council

Community Defibrillator

Added on 24 December 2020

Wolds Childcare building showing location of defibrillatorThanks to Karen and Jonnie Richards at Wolds Childcare we now have a Community Defibrillator.

The parents of children who attend Wolds Childcare, together with the staff and friends, have raised  a large sum of money towards making  this possible.

The defibrillator is situated on the front wall at Wolds Childcare on Old Melton Road, Plumtree NG12 5NH (see picture right)

To gain access a 4 digit code is needed. This will be given out when anyone phones for an ambulance and the operator feels the defibrillator should be used.

Signs showing the location of the defibrillator will be displayed on noticeboards in Plumtree and Normanton. Local businesses will also be asked to display location signs.

< what3wordsThe Duke of Edinburgh >